Tanaya Lambert has one of the most voracious appetites for travel we have ever encountered.
She has ticked over 50 countries off her to-do list and is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. Tanaya is also particularly tenacious about the details when it comes to designing travel for Rothschild Safaris guests.
In this podcast, we chat about what happens when we send a Travel Designer to a destination to do research for three months.
We might also dispel some myths about South African women… and insult a traveling chicken.
Listen to our podcast with Tanaya here:
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More about Tanaya
Tanaya Lambert is constantly on the move, traveling to different destinations around the world to ensure that our Rothschild Safaris clients have the benefit of the very latest, up to date travel intel.
Tanaya reviews properties, finds new experiences, spends time with guides and reports back in great detail. She is especially good at giving us the cultural insight that can change a trip from just-another-vacation to that once-in-a-lifetime experience we will tell our grandchildren about.
Keep up to date with the latest news about Tanaya here.
Imagery © Tanaya Lambert