US: 303.756.2525 | 800.405.9463 | AUS: +61.7.5455.4243
US: 303.756.2525 | 800.405.9463 AUS: +61.7.5455.4243
At Rothschild Safaris, we have made the distinction of naming our staff ‘Travel Designers’. We aren’t booking or travel agents, tourism reps, or vacation salespeople - we are, resolutely, Travel
Whether you have never been on safari… or have never had the Rothschild safaris experience, today our very special guest will tell you everything you need to know AND might
Do you worry about the future of our wild planet? Conservation is never far from our thoughts and this week’s podcast guest lives breathes and works at the very epicenter
Did you know that 96 elephants are poached every day? What does that figure mean? Simply this: If you would like to see an elephant a decade from today you
Tanaya Lambert has one of the most voracious appetites for travel we have ever encountered. She has ticked over 50 countries off her to-do list and is showing no signs
Welcome to Africa’s most exclusive Safari property. During my visit to Cheetah Plains earlier this year I had the pure pleasure of chatting with Manager Kobus de Kock about a
Call us with any questions:US: 303.756.2525 | 800.405.9463 AUS: +61.7.5455.4243