We are very excited to announce that, for the first time in many years, wild dogs have been spotted in the Olare Orok and Mara North Conservancies!

This morning at 6:30 AM, as guests were leaving camp for their morning drive, the guide spotted three wild dogs passing within 200 meters of camp, heading north through the Olare Orok Conservancy.  Some of you may be thinking, “Why is this so special?” But we must try to put this in perspective: there are no recorded wild dog sightings, until this morning, in the Masai Mara!

The three were watched in the light of the rising sun as they passed the camp, oblivious of the safari vehicles. Considering the rarity of wild dogs in this area, this would have to be the top sighting of the year!

Laikipia African Wild Dog

It was interesting to watch the reactions of the smaller herbivores on the plains as these ‘painted wolves’ came into sight. Despite the fact that many of them had never seen a wild dog before, they instinctively knew that these were an animal to avoid. All but the wildebeest gauged this. As always, they seemed to have a bit of a problem comprehending the dangers posed by the predator (with the highest success rate in a hunt)!

We are all thrilled to have these amazing animals gracing the Masai Mara with their presence. This really is an exciting day for the Olare Orok Conservancy and a wonderful sign for the future of this little corner of paradise!